Historical Astronomers in Context

Nicolaus Copernicus – 2/19/1473 – 5/24/1543

Nicolaus Copernicus the first in the modern era (C.E) to develop a model of the universe with the sun at its center, rather than the earth. His work sparked the Copernican Revolution, a paradigm shift which paved the way for the works of Kepler, Galileo, Newton, and others. Copernicus was also the first to propose that the day/night cycle of earth was caused by a rotation on its axis, rather than the earth rotating around the sun. Copernicus’ model paved the way for future astronomers to unlock more about our place in the universe.

Events in Copernicus’ lifetime

Columbus discovers the New World (1492) – This discovery sparked European colonization of the Americas, and the exchange of goods and ideas between Europe and the New World. It also caused extreme violence and disease against the indigenous peoples. 

Protestantism Reformation was started by Martin Luther (1517) – The protestant reformation was a religious movement started in the early 16th century. It had many social and cultural consequences, such as challenging the authority of the Catholic Church and Pope. It also helped to promote increased education and critical thinking through movements such as skepticism.  

Historical Figure Alive 

Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527)Considered the creator of modern political science, Machiavelli’s book “The Prince” is guide for political leaders to better control, lead, and win support over their people.


Copernicus lived throughout the Renaissance, a time when middle ages/dark ages ideals of philosophy, science, and art, were challenged. It is no coincidence that Copernicus’ theory of heliocentricity was published after the Protestant Reformation began. This is because Martin Luther, and other reformers such as John Calvin challenged previous ideals such as church and papal infallibility, or the idea that the Pope and Church are without error in their decisions and teachings. This laid the groundwork for Copernicus, and later Galileo and Kepler to challenge the church with their scientific research. Without the movements of the Renaissance and Protestant Reformation, they may never have pursued astronomy and science, and never challenged previous beliefs.

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